- Mid 50s Female
- 67kgs prior to surgery
- Had significant weight loss over 30kgs
- 3 months post surgery
- 600cc lipoaspirated from each arm and 120g of excess skin removed from each arm
- Late 50s Female
- Weight loss of 10kgs
- 6 weeks post surgery
- 600cc lipoaspirated from each arm and 70g of excess skin removed from each arm
- Mid 50s Female
- 62kgs prior to surgery
- Had significant weight loss over 40kgs
- 8 weeks post surgery
- 600cc lipoaspirated from right arm, 650cc lipoaspirated from left arm and 60g of excess skin removed from right arm, 180g of excess skin removed from left arm
- Surgery done in conjunction with an abdominoplasty
- Late 20s Female.
- 86kg prior to surgery.
- 4 months post op.
- 1050cc removed in total from bilateral arms
- Mid 30s Female.
- 66kgs prior to surgery.
- 12 weeks post surgery.
- 950cc removed from arms.
- Liposuction surgery was combined with a breast augmentation
- Mids 20s Female
- 500cc removed from arms in total
- 4 months post op
- Mid 30s female
- 1000cc removed in total from bilateral arms
- 9 months post surgery
- Mid 30s female
- 600cc removed in total form bilateral arms
- 4 months post op