Fat transfer Breast Augmentation Now Available

  • 3 September 2024
  • Dr Joseph Rizk

Last updated on September 5, 2024

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Before and After Photos

Fat Transfer breast augmentation, What’s it all about?

Heres are some FAQs that may help you get your head around what fat transfer breast augmentation is, and if its suitable for you! In the coming weeks we will keep you posted with more information and other FAQ as they come!

What is fat transfer to the breast?

Fat transfer breast augmentation is a breast augmentation by autologous fat transfer. Fat transfer to the breast is an organic, implant-free breast augmentation for people who want bigger breasts. Fat cells are removed from one part of your body and injected to the breast.

How does fat transfer breast augmentation work?

  1. Fat is harvested very gently and at a low vacuum ( much slower than regular liposuction).
  2. Fat is transferred to injection syringes with great delicateness.
  3. The fat is then injected into the breast in small amounts into different layers of the breast tissue.

This ensure the fat survives, if the surgeon is heavy handed and injects the fat in large amounts  this can lead to less than desirable results.

I am then able to carefully shape the breast to the patients desire. This is a very delicate and individualised approach to fat transfer to the breast.

Is  fat transfer to the breast safe?

Yes. A 6 year study has shown that fat grafting to the breast is and effective to create bigger breasts.  For details of this 6 year 81 patient study assessing the effectiveness of fat transfer breast augmentation see this link.

Is fat transfer breast augmentation cheaper than implants?

No, fat transfer breast augmentation takes a lot more patience and time for the surgeon. Because it is a very delicate procedure some surgeons cannot perform it. So often it is more expensive.

Who Performs fat transfer to the breast in Australia?

Not many surgeons! But renowned Sydney plastic surgeon Dr Joseph Rizk does! He has traveled to the United states of America to the technique. He quite enjoys the delicateness of this procedure and appreciates the natural and delicate results it creates

Dr Joseph Rizk

About The Author

Dr Joseph Rizk

Dr Joseph Rizk is a trusted advanced Plastic Surgeon based in Sydney. He has undergone significant training to become an expert in the fields of breast, face and body surgery.

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