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Skin Rejuvenation In Sydney, New South Wales

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Younger Looking Skin for a More Youthful You

Time can be a terrible enemy to your skin, but White Hill Clinic in Sydney is here to help rejuvenate your skin.

As an activity, the environment, and the natural ageing process take their toll, even the most rigorous regimen is not always able to keep up with the onslaught our skin goes through. Wrinkles, spots, and roughness inevitably appear.

Named “New Practice of the Year, Australia” by the MyFaceMyBody Awards in 2020, the trained professionals at White Hill Clinic in Inner West Sydney have seen it all and are ready to help keep you looking as young as you feel.

What is Skin Rejuvenation?

Skin rejuvenation is a common cosmetic procedure that seeks through various methods to prompt the skin into healing itself.

During treatment, small, controlled wounds are made to the skin, which causes the skin to create new cells to repair and heal itself. In this way, it is similar to exercise that slightly damages the muscles causing them to heal and become stronger. There are many techniques that can be used to rejuvenate the skin, ranging from some that are minimally invasive to others that are not surgical at all.

White Hill Clinic offers a range of these therapies, including thread lifts, microneedling, and LED light therapy. Each of these techniques has its own advantages, so our trained professionals will discuss all the options with you to find the one that is best suited to your individual needs.

freckled skin rejuvenation patient model with red hair and lips slightly parted

Benefits of Skin Rejuvenation

There can be many benefits to skin rejuvenation procedures, with the scope of the benefits varying by technique. In general, any technique can be expected to leave the skin looking firmer, younger, and healthier. Depending on the condition of your skin beforehand, you can expect to see a noticeable improvement in:

  • Acne
  • Scars
  • Dermatitis
  • Sun damage
  • Rough spots
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Red spots or discoloration

Whether you are interested in skin rejuvenation to treat acne, scars, or just hoping for a more youthful appearance, all of our skin rejuvenation techniques are aimed at that goal.

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Am I a Candidate for Skin Rejuvenation?

Good candidates for skin rejuvenation procedures will generally be in good health and non-smokers. You should also be free of any serious medical conditions as these can complicate any medical procedure. It’s always a good idea to talk with your primary care physician before you undergo any cosmetic procedure.

Also, make sure to inform us if you are prone to cold sores or fever blisters around your mouth as some of the skin rejuvenation techniques can sometimes trigger breakouts in at-risk patients. Also, let us know of any medicines or supplements you take regularly because some can interfere with the clotting necessary for proper healing and most optimal results.

Skin Rejuvenation

White Hill Clinic offers several options when it comes to skin rejuvenation techniques. While the aim of each of them is a more youthful you, we will work with you to ensure the best procedure is chosen for you depending on your skin’s current condition and your desired results.When you come in for your consultation with White Hill Clinic, we will discuss with you your current skin condition and the pros and cons of each procedure to find the skin rejuvenation technique that is right for you. Some of the procedures we offer include:

Thread Lift

This is a minimally invasive surgical technique. Medical-grade threads are inserted under the skin and then pulled to tighten the skin in the affected area. Procedures generally take less than an hour to perform.


This technique (also known as “Collagen Induction Therapy” or “CIT”) uses tiny needles to repeatedly puncture the top layer of skin to induce healing. This can also be done in conjunction with platelet-rich plasma (“PRP”) to further stimulate collagen production.

LED Light Therapy

A non-invasive technique that uses different wavelengths of light to stimulate the healing response in your skin.

Recovery from Your Skin Rejuvenation

The amount of time needed to recover from your skin rejuvenation procedure will vary depending on the technique you undergo. Swelling, bruising, redness, or tenderness are common following these treatments.

You will want to make sure to follow all of the aftercare steps provided and any advice your doctor gives you as far as protecting the new, healing skin, including avoiding prolonged exposure to sunlight, harsh chemicals, and strenuous activity. For non-surgical procedures, you will generally be able to resume normal activity within a week. Recovery from surgical procedures can take longer. However, the precise recovery time will vary with each patient.

skin rejuvenation patient model on a trail with a backpack with head up towards the sun and eyes closed smiling softly

Skin Rejuvenation Results

Following your skin rejuvenation procedure and recovery, you can expect to notice a significant decrease in fine lines and wrinkles, as well as an overall youthfulness to the skin in the treated areas. If you had acne or red spots, these blemishes should be noticeably reduced as well. If you take good care of your skin following your skin rejuvenation procedure, you can generally expect long-lasting positive results.

Because each person’s body is unique, the results you experience will vary as well. Your White Hill Clinic professional will go over the expected results of your procedure with you beforehand and will answer any questions you may have. We are always committed to helping you realize the more youthful appearance you desire.

Learn more about Skin Rejuvenation in Sydney with a consultation at White Hill Clinic

Are you ready for younger-looking skin? Contact us at White Hill Clinic today to find out if one of our skin rejuvenation procedures is right for you. You will be put in touch with one of our cosmetic surgery professionals who will privately explore your options with you. White Hill Clinic is committed to providing skin rejuvenation and other advanced cosmetic treatments in a luxurious setting to patients across the Sydney area.

White Hill Clinic Medispa in Sydney delivers effective medical procedures with oversight from award-winning cosmetic surgeons in a relaxing and luxurious environment. Schedule a spa day with us to discover why we were named the Best New Practice in Australasia!

DOUBLE BAY, Suite 301, Level 3, 451 New South Head Road, Double Bay NSW 2028

STANMORE, SHOP 1, 2-6 Bridge Road, Stanmore NSW 2048